What is the process of debugging?
Create table emp (id number(9), name varchar2(20),salary number(9,2)); The table has 100 records after table created.Now i nee to change id's Datatype is to be Varchar2(15). now Alter table emp modify(id varchar2(15),name varchar2(20), salary number(9,2)); Whether it will work or returns error? post answer with explanation.
What is the syntax and use of the coalesce function?
diff b/w function and procedure?
Which command is used to delete a package?
Is nosql faster than sql?
What is data modelling in sql?
Do stored procedures prevent sql injection?
What is a sql statement?
What is a recursive stored procedure?
What is a 'instead of trigger'?
How to load data with sql*loader?
Which software is used for pl sql programming?