How do I edit a stored procedure?
where are cookies actually stored on the hard disk? : Sql dba
I have one table,in that table (1)i have java1.1 version books are 2 and java1.5 version books are 4. (2).Net2.0 books are 3, .Net3.5 books are 2 (3)ABC1.6 books are 4, ABC2.0 books are 3. Now i want output is like Book Count Java 6 .Net 5 ABC 7 For this i need sql query, please help me if anyone how to get this result. Thanks, Seenu
What trigger means?
Define the select into statement.
What is difference between inner join and self join?
how u can find the n row from a table?
what is organisational index?
What is function and procedure in pl sql?
how to select first 5 records from a table? : Sql dba
Its possible to add more than one primary key for the table
Which is better trigger or stored procedure?
Is sql scripting language?