How do I get to sql server configuration manager?
how do u do Performance tunning ?
1 Answers Infodat Technologies, Satyam,
What are the five characteristics of good data?
What do you mean by an execution plan? How would you view it?
What do you understand by mirroring and mention the advantages of the mirroring?
explain databases and sql server databases architecture? : Sql server database administration
Can you explain the role of each service?
What is update_statistics command?
How do you trace the traffic hitting a sql server?
What options are there to delete rows on the publisher and not on the subscriber? : sql server replication
Explain the microsoft sql server delete command? : SQL Server Architecture
1.can we set the more than 1 primary keys for a table? 2.please give me the difference between Cluster Index and non-Clustered Index 3.can we use query like this "Select * from Table1,Table2;"
What is the maximum size of a dimension? : sql server analysis services, ssas