What is update_statistics command?
Explain the disadvantages of cursors?
why would you use sql agent? : Sql server database administration
What are the differences between left join and inner join in sql server?
What are the High-Availability solutions in SQL Server and differentiate them briefly?
You have a stored procedure, which execute a lengthy batch job. This stored procedure is called from a trigger you do not want to slow the data entry process you do not want trigger to wait for this batch job to finish before it completes itself what you can do to speed up the process?
Please explain what is “asynchronous” communication in sql server service broker?
Explain about thread and memory management process of SQL?
1.what is the difference between view and cursor? 2.If we do any change in view will it affect the database,similarly when we do changes in cursor will it affect the databse?with certain example?Thanks
find the 3rd max salary
How to configure odbc dsn with different port numbers?
How the authentication mode can be changed?
Introduction of rollup clause using sum and group by clause?