How do I start sql server 2017?
1.what is the diff between nolock optimizer and read uncommitted isolation? 2.what is the diff between revoke and deny? 3.what is percieved down time? 4.whether password protection are required for backups?if yes why?if no why? 5.what is fill factor? 6.what is cost analysis? 7.what is mean by piece meal restore? 8.what is 'rowguidcol'? 9.impersonate permission? 10.what is selectivity?
how to find number of columns in a table in sql server 2000 and 2005 also
How to insert multiple rows with one insert statement in ms sql server?
How to insert and update data into a table with "insert" and "update" statements?
What is a trace frag?
When do u use clustered index and non-clustered index?
What is the difference between osql and query analyzer?
What is the difference between DATETIME2 and DATETIME?
What is Transparent Data Encryption?
What's the difference between a primary key and a unique key?
Explain error and transaction handling in sql server?
What are the advantages of passing name-value pairs as parameters?