What is the purpose of design view?
What is a sql trace file?
what is global table
what is the difference between rownum pseudo column and row_number() function? : Sql dba
What is having clause in sql?
Is sql better than access?
Does sql between include endpoints?
Table name: T1, it has only one column. col1 ------ c b a b b b b d s a a t s Requirement: I need the following output from the above base table by using SQL query. col1 Cnt ----- ------- a 3 b 5 Others 5 Please help. Thanks Guru v.gurus@in.com
What is nvl function?
what is a cursor? : Sql dba
What are the syntax and use of the coalesce function?
What is clustered and nonclustered index in sql?
What is serial sql?