Can we enter data in a table in design view?
How we can create a table in pl/sql block. Insert records into it? Is it possible by some procedure or function? Please give example?
What is benefit of creating memory optimized table?
Are null values same as that of zero or a blank space?
What is a primary key called that is made up of more than one field?
What is exit statement?
declare v_count number(8,3); v_sal scott.emp.sal%type := '&P_sal'; cursor cur_name is select sal from scott.emp where sal between (v_sal-100) and (v_sal +1000); begin v_count :=nvl(sql%rowcount ,0); if v_count = 0 then dbms_output.put_line('no records are fetch in the given sal range'); else dbms_output.put_line('There is/are '||to_char(v_count)|| ' salaries are selected in the given range '); end if; end; in the above programm .....for any sal range ....always it shows the following message.. no records are fetch in the given sal range please find the mistake and share with me...with thansk and regards..sarao....
Any attempt to navigate programmatically to disabled form in a call_form stack is allowed?
Is sql harder than python?
What do you mean by stored procedures?
what is the difference between blob and text? : Sql dba
Explain what is an index?
Can we call stored procedure in function?