What are sql ddl commands?
Which certification is best for sql?
write a query to find out the no. of employees whose age is less than 25 and max of salary for the employees belonging to a particular department is less than 20000
how to see the create table statement of an existing table? : Sql dba
How did you export data from database to excel file.
how to drop an existing view in mysql? : Sql dba
What is Difference between StoredProcedure and function?
How do I view tables in sql developer?
Explain the commit statement.
display null value rows with out using null function?
If I have a table T with 4 rows & 2 columns A & B. A has values 1,2,3,4. and B has 10,20,30,40. Write an Update SQL query which can Swap the values of A & B for all records. (Do not use a sub-query)
What is normalization and types of normalization?
22 Answers Etisbew, F-TEC, Microsoft, TechProcess,
Write a procedure to return the month and the number of developers joined in each month (cursor )