Is sql low level language?
difference between pl/sql table and normal pl/sql table
how many sql ddl commands are supported by 'mysql'? : Sql dba
Hi Guys, I have a situation where I need to access the column values from rowtype variable. However, the column names are dynamic. below is sample code: declare Cursor c1 is select * from emp; Cursor c2 is select column_name from xyztable; v_c2 c2%rowtype; v_str varchar2 v_value varchar2(200); begin for rec in c1 loop open c2;---this cursor has column names like EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME etc. loop fetch c2 into v_c2; exit when c2%notfound; /* now lets say i want to access value of LAST_NAME from cursor c1, so I am writing below code, however it does not work as expected */ v_str:= 'rec.'|| v_c2.column_name; -- this will give me string like "rec.EMPLOYEE_ID" v_value:=v_str; end loop; end loop; end; / Plz help ASAP.Thanks.
how can we submit a form without a submit button? : Sql dba
What does cursor do in sql?
Is it possible to pass parameters to triggers?
what happens if you no create privilege in a database? : Sql dba
Explain 3 basic parts of a trigger.
Is progress software supports to ( pl/sql )?
what is explain plan?
What is int identity in sql?
What are the disadvantages of file system?