What is varchar used for?
I want to execute a piece of code before calling a procedure. How to achieve it?
Can we use join in subquery?
How do I remove all records from a table?
When we can declare a column as Unique and Not Null both at the same time. What is the use pf Primary Key then?
2 Answers Accenture, Unisoft Infotech,
Define union, minus, union all, intersect ?
What is the difference between SQL and PLSQL
Why you are not able to create a table using select command,if it is having a LONG column? for eg:create table test as select * from test1 here test1 containg a column having LONG datatype...
What is difference between primary and secondary key?
using comand prompt how can import table data and table space with example
how a reference cursor works?what all adnvantages are gained with it..specify the situation?
Can we change the table name in sql?
Can sql function call stored procedure?