Is sql the best database?
1) Synonyms 2) Co-related Subquery 3) Different Jobs in Plsql 4) Explain Plan 5) Wrap 6) Query Optimization Technique 7) Bulk Collect 8) Types of index 9) IF primary key is created then the index created ? 10) Foreign Key 11) Exception Handling 12) Difference Between Delete and Trunc 13) Procedure Overloading 14) Grant Revoke 15) Procedure Argument types. 16) Functions. 17) Joins
Explain the steps needed to create the scheduled job?
Give the structure of the procedure ?
What is pl sql package?
Differentiate between pl/sql and sql?
how to create a database in oracle?please gve anser with example
What is a trigger in pl/sql?
What is pivot query?
Does view store data in sql?
Is it mandatory for the primary key to be given a value when a new record is inserted?
Write a query to get last 10 records from the table.
what is cursor. write example of it. What are the attributes of cursor.