What are the parts of a sql statement?
What does plv msg allows you to do?
What is cross join sql?
What are the steps you take to tune(performance tuning) the code in plsql?
4 Answers Cap Gemini, Infosys, TCS,
I have a tablle like this. cust acc --------------- a 1 b 2|3 c 4|5|6 I Want below o/p: cust acc ----------- a 1 b 2 b 3 c 4 c 5 c 6 Please any one can you have any ideas share me. I have urgent requirement.
I Have A Table Like This. Cityno Cityname Mails 1 Bangalore 8km 2 Hsr Layout 20km 3 Mejistic 30km 4 Jayadeva 55km 5 Itpl 80km 6 Hebbal 115km I Have Data Like This I Want O/p Like This Distance No.ofcity 0-50km 3 51-100km 2 101-150km 4 And So On
Where the Pre_defined_exceptions are stored ?
Why is sql*loader direct path so fast?
What is difference between stored procedures and application procedures?
What is difference between cursor and trigger?
how to fetch alternate records from a table? : Sql dba
Does oracle use sql?
What is scalar data type in pl sql?