How do I view an execution plan in sql?
what are the authentication modes in sql server? : Sql dba
If a procedure within a package is invalidated whether the entire package will be invalid and has to be recompiled again?
What is sqlca in powerbuilder?
How can we find duplicate records in a table?
What is the primary key?
tell me about various levels of constraint. : Sql dba
suppose u hav 1 book with 1-100 n 101 -200 now print page from 2-100 n 102 -200... how we will do..?
What is the use of cursor ? how cursor allocate context area for executing the sql statement?
Which command is used to delete a trigger?
What pl/sql package consists of?
one of the column in my table contains the data like SAL ---- 1000 1000 2000 3000 3000 So my requirement is i want output like SAL --- 1000 2000 3000 it mean i want to delete duplicate rows only how should u write query?
What jobs use sql?