what are the authentication modes in sql server? : Sql dba
What is bulk collect in pl sql?
What is function and procedure in pl sql?
What are types of indexes in sql?
Can a foreign key be a duplicate?
What are the two virtual tables available at the time of database trigger execution?
Define select, insert, create, delete, update, drop keywords
What is %s in sql?
Which data type is a composite type?
how to debugg a procedure or package using dbms_output.put_line in plsql
3. Select sum(a) sum_1,max(a) max_1 ,count(a) count_1 from ( ( select 1 a from dual union all Select to_number(‘2011’) a from dual union all select 1 a from dual) union select 2 b from dual);
What is a recursive stored procedure?
What are inner and outer joins examples of both?