When to use inner join and left join?
What is the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR2? If VARCHAR2 serves the uses of CHAR why CHAR is still used and not been discarded yet?
Is it possible for a table to have more than one foreign key?
What is the use of double ampersand (&&) in sql queries? Give an example
if table named a is there and 4 records are there then how to swap (1 and 3) and (2 and 4) records at a time
What is view explain with example?
3. Select sum(a) sum_1,max(a) max_1 ,count(a) count_1 from ( ( select 1 a from dual union all Select to_number(‘2011’) a from dual union all select 1 a from dual) union select 2 b from dual);
what is the forward decleration in packages?
Is sql a oracle?
What is magic table?
what is rollback? : Sql dba
What are different types of sql commands?
What is raid? How does it help storage of databases?