How do I uninstall sql server 2014?
What is user-defined function?
What is apply operator in sql?
How many databases Microsoft SQL server provides?
What is explicit cursors?
How can we use ConnectorJ JDBC Driver with MS SQL?
I Have Employee table having column name as ID,SALARY how to get second max salary from employee table with id ex ID SALARY 1 20000 7 37000 2 5000
17 Answers HCL, IBM,
What is meant by referential integrity?
Can multiple columns be used in sql group by clause in ms sql server?
What is the use of attributehierarchyvisible ? : sql server analysis services, ssas
Explain the disadvantages of cursors?
What are constraints? Explain different types of constraints?
26 Answers Emsang, Kendriya Vidyalaya(Kvs), Polaris, Wipro,
Can we call stored procedure in view in sql server?