What is the current version of sql?
What is pl sql and why it is used for?
display null value rows with out using null function?
what is the functionality of the function htmlentities? : Sql dba
what are dynamic queries in t-sql? : Transact sql
What is magic table?
What are the datatypes available in pl/sql ?
How many types of primary keys are there?
How to select 10 records from a table?
What is database migration?
What is sql profiling in oracle?
Which query operators in sql is used for pattern matching?
How to write a procedure for displying the data in a TREE or (PARENT and CHILD ) relationship , for ex: A is the main project id, for this project B,C,D are sub tasks(sub project id's) for B the sub tasks are e,f,g and for c is h ,i ,j and for d is k,l,m now i need to display the o/p in a TREE fashion pls help me , thanks in advance surendra