How many types of primary keys are there?
Write the order of precedence for validation of a column in a table ?
Which are the different types of indexes in sql?
What is difference between nchar and nvarchar?
wirte a query to filter improper date format follwing table? date 20-apr 22-may-2010 26-jun-2010 feb-2009 i want the output date 22-may-2010 26-jun-2010
What kind of join is join?
i have 2 table table one 4 columns respective values a1 7,a2 6,a3 8 ,a4 12 & table two 4 colums respective values a1 7,a2 6,a3 8,a4 15.if table one & table two 3 colums same then 4th column values 1)Qes diff >5 then print 5 * diff value 2)Que diff <5 print 5
what is 'mysqldump'? : Sql dba
when MSQL8.0 is in market
what are the advantages of cursors than procedures?
What is the purpose of normalization?
How can I see all tables in sql?
Why do we use set serveroutput on?