What are sql queries used for?
How does left join work in sql?
What is sql and explain its components?
What is offset in sql query?
What is the difference between truncate and drop statements?
Is left join same as inner join?
scope of exception handling in plsql
what is constraining table?
What is cursor and its types?
Is json a nosql?
How many types of sql are there?
declare v_count number(8,3); v_sal scott.emp.sal%type := '&P_sal'; cursor cur_name is select sal from scott.emp where sal between (v_sal-100) and (v_sal +1000); begin v_count :=nvl(sql%rowcount ,0); if v_count = 0 then dbms_output.put_line('no records are fetch in the given sal range'); else dbms_output.put_line('There is/are '||to_char(v_count)|| ' salaries are selected in the given range '); end if; end; in the above programm .....for any sal range ....always it shows the following message.. no records are fetch in the given sal range please find the mistake and share with me...with thansk and regards..sarao....
What does sql stand for?