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Answer / a.n.rekha
We publish the .rox file on to the I server.
Upload the rox file on to the server.
Run the rox file and the roi file gets generated.
Publish is nothing but uploading the rox file on to the
iserver.Users who are having the access can run the rox
file to get the output(.roi file)
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Answer / shweta a
To publish a report, you use a web
browser, a web server, an Encyclopedia volume, and
Management Console. To
locate and view a report, a report user uses Actuate Active
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Answer / lingaraj
To publish the report we use management console. For
bifercating the reports we use Encyclopedia volume. For
uploading the iServer we need WebServer. To view the report
he can use Active portal or webbrowser. Webbrowser because
we can have .roi file generated and in different format
like .PDF, .PPT and .RTF.
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Hi, I am Anna and new to actuate programming. I am trying to learn the tool on my own, if any one could provide any helpful websites or training centers in NJ area will be greatly appriciated. Thanks in advance.