What is the difference between
-using Group by in the SQL of the report
-having a Group section in the report
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Answer / lingaraj
Using the Group by in the SQL returns the data form the
database which is grouped by that attribute.
If u r not grouping through the SQL if u wan to group in
thr report from the front end through actuate, u can use
the Group section.
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Answer / sanjeev kumar sinha
An Actuate Group Section will group similar records
together by a key field. A query pulling all the records
from a table with 100 records and grouping by State or
Province will still display 100 records on the report. No
data is lost or aggregated.
A SQL Group By will aggregate data being pulled from a
table. Grouping By State or Province will result in
somewhere less than 100 records being delivered to the
report. The results most likely will be 5 records
containing a count and the state name: DL-20; MH-10; BR-5,
WB-25, and MP-40. A Group By processes the data and creates
new information about that original data.
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