What is the difference between procedure -oriented language
and object oriented language?

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What is the difference between procedure -oriented language and object oriented language?..

Answer / abhijitkadam

in procedure oriented language data has not security in
object ori data has security .in 1st program approach from
top to down in 2nd program approach from bottom to top.

Is This Answer Correct ?    131 Yes 26 No

What is the difference between procedure -oriented language and object oriented language?..

Answer / kirti joshi

pop focus more on function
oop focus on data
oop deals with real world object
In pop error detection is dificult as we cant know which
variable is associated with which function
in oop we can specify with the object tht which variable is
associated with which function
objects in oop creates many modules of program which is
flexible and easier to execute and also understand
OOP provides inheritance in which features can be added to
existing classes without modification

Is This Answer Correct ?    91 Yes 26 No

What is the difference between procedure -oriented language and object oriented language?..

Answer / shraddha..r

a]in pop importance is given for doing things.
in oop importance is given on data rather than procidure.
b]pop,most of function share global data.
oop,data structure are designed such that the
characterstics the object function that operate on the data
of an object which are tied together in the data structure.
c]pop,larger programs are divided into smaller programs
known as function.
oop,program are divided into smaller programs known as
d]in pop security is not provided for object.
in oop security is provided to data.
e]in pop top down approch.
in oop bottom up approch.

Is This Answer Correct ?    65 Yes 18 No

What is the difference between procedure -oriented language and object oriented language?..

Answer / bandi ravindrareddy

Re: What is the difference between procedure -oriented
language and object oriented language? Answer

pop focus more on function
oop focus on data
oop deals with real world object
In pop error detection is dificult as we cant know which
variable is associated with which function
in oop we can specify with the object that which variable is
associated with which function
objects in oop creates many modules of program which is
flexible and easier to execute and also understand
OOP provides inheritance in which features can be added to
existing classes without modification

# 1
in procedure oriented language data has not security in
object ori data has security .in 1st program approach from
top to down in 2nd program approach from bottom to top.
a]in pop importance is given for doing things.
in oop importance is given on data rather than procidure.
b]pop,most of function share global data.
oop,data structure are designed such that the
characterstics the object function that operate on the data
of an object which are tied together in the data structure.
c]pop,larger programs are divided into smaller programs
known as function.
oop,program are divided into smaller programs known as
d]in pop security is not provided for object.
in oop security is provided to data.
e]in pop top down approch.
in oop bottom up approch.

Is This Answer Correct ?    49 Yes 12 No

What is the difference between procedure -oriented language and object oriented language?..

Answer / uv

1)The main difference between pop & oop is, In pop the
entire program is divided in the form of function where as
in oop the program is splitted into objects.
2)In pop the data hidding is not possible where as in oop
the data hidding[abstraction]is possible.
3)POP is the top down proccesing and where as OOP is bottom
up proccesing

Is This Answer Correct ?    38 Yes 9 No

What is the difference between procedure -oriented language and object oriented language?..

Answer / anjali singh

1)In POP there is no reusability of data which is possible
in OOP.
2)POP is not combined with built in data types whereas OOP
is combined with built in data types.

Is This Answer Correct ?    37 Yes 8 No

What is the difference between procedure -oriented language and object oriented language?..

Answer / ranivattipolu

Procedure oriented language is a top-down apporach where as
object oriented language is the bottom up apporach

Is This Answer Correct ?    31 Yes 4 No

What is the difference between procedure -oriented language and object oriented language?..

Answer / bharat

In procedural program,programming logic follows certain procedures and the instructions are executed one after another.
In Oop,unit of program is object,which is nothing but combination of data and code.
In procedural program data is exposed to the whole program.
Where as in oops program ,its accisable within object and which in turn assures the security of the code.

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 8 No

What is the difference between procedure -oriented language and object oriented language?..

Answer / rosey

where in the pop main program is divided into small part
depending on the functions where as in oops main program is
divided into small objects depending on the problem

Is This Answer Correct ?    24 Yes 18 No

What is the difference between procedure -oriented language and object oriented language?..

Answer / maneesh jangid

in procedure language(algorithm) orinted languge i.e data
mode as per procedure.
Data are defined as global and accessible to all the
function of a program without ny restriction.
It provide less data security and less integrity.
In modular programming a program devided into function data
and function two seprate entities.
In execution of a program the functions interact with
eachother by parameter values and receiveing resulant data.

in object oriented programming is object data oriented.
Data encapsulated with function that opreate it.
It provide more data security and integrity.
Data and function viewed as single entity.
in oop object interact with each other by sending message
and receiving responces.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 2 No

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