What does c mean in linux?
What is difference between sh and bash?
Hi guys, I am working in MNC from 1 and half year as Software Engg but not in programming, its in Information Security. Now I am doing RHEL 5(Red Hat certification) to move into Linux Admin. Can anyone please give me the future scope of this field and please send me the interview questions or links to get the idea. Thanks, Sushant.
Which is the required command for checking the file system?
What does && mean in linux?
how many limitations of under directories in ext2/3 linux file system?
How do make computer faster?
how many hard disks can i able to connect to desktop pc and server (IDE & SATA) pls send this ans to my mail : ping2pavan@gmail.com
How to hide the partition in grub booting?
Why makefile is used in linux?
What does sh do in linux?
what is the difference between RHEL4 & RHEL5?
hi friends how to reinstall the grub.conf file. once i delete the grub file in perminatle ofter how to get back that file. plz send me ans. regards. madhu.m