Is c is a middle level language?
write a C program: To recognize date of any format even formats like "feb-02-2003","02-february-2003",mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yy and display it as mm/dd/yy.
why do we use pointer instead directly acessing the data?
What is 02d in c?
write a program to find the frequency of a number
What's the best way to declare and define global variables?
if the address of a[1,1] and a[2,1] are 1000 and 1010 respectively and each occupies 2 bytes then the array has been stored in what order?
4 Answers Amazon, Apple, Bata, Google, NASA,
while initialization of array why we use a[][2] why not a[2][]...?
What is data type long in c?
The C language terminator is a.semicolon b.colon c.period d.exclamation mark
What is the function of ceil(X) defined in math.h do? A)It returns the value rounded down to the next lower integer B)it returns the value rounded up to the next higher integer C)the Next Higher Value D)the next lower value
Can you explain what keyboard debouncing is, and where and why we us it? please give some examples
plz let me know how to become a telecom protocol tester. thank you.