What does p mean in physics?
Write a code of a general series where the next element is the sum of last k terms.
write a program to print the one dimensional array.
Should I learn c before c++?
main() { int i=1; while (i<=5) { printf("%d",i); if (i>2) goto here; i++; } } fun() { here: printf("PP"); }
Write the syntax and purpose of a switch statement in C.
increment operateor (++)and decrament(--) #include<stdio.h> #inclide<conio.h> main() { int x=15; while(x!=0) scanf("%d",&x); {
What are external variables in c?
How to find the digits truncation when assigning the interger variable to the character variables. like int i=500; char x = i : here we have truncation. how to find this. another ex: i =100; char x=i. here we do not have truncation.
Do you know null pointer?
i want explaination about the program and its stack reprasetaion fibbo(int n) { if(n==1 or n==0) return n; else return fibbo(n-1)+fibbo(n-2); } main() { fibbo(6); }
How reliable are floating-point comparisons?
Write a c program to enter a string of paragraph and replacing a particular word which is repeated in the paragraph by another word?
2 Answers ME, Synfusion, Wipro,