Explain how to convert a jk flip flop into sr flip flop and vice versa, a sr flip flop into d or t flip flop and vice versa?
how can i calculate increase electrical signal power expected at the photodiode detector output given 2 optical loss coefficients and the distance covered using multimode.thank you.
Which power supply card required for Ultra BTS for AC 230 V input Which power supply card required for Ultra BTS for DC -48V
i m i n3rd ye of btech EC branch and have been placed in sftware company..wat sghd i do to improve my skills in 4th yr..i have a gd academic background.
What is a multiplexer?
Most computers wont use floating point arithmetic .why
Alcatel&Lucent Bts
explain any 4 search engines? explain any 3 web server? list out the diff e-commerce to perform the electronic data interchange transition?any 5 in detial
Name the breakdown mechanism in a highly doped p-n junction under reverse biased condition.
how to interface hall effect sensor with 8051 microcontroller?
Explain what is associate law?
What is meant by trc?
why ,in CE configuration amp the output is 180 deg phase shift....?