Explain important index characteristics?
What is the cartesian product of the table?
How many max. conditions can b written under the WHERE clause? Like select * from [tabnam] WHERE (cond1...or..cond2....or...cond3...and.....so on.....??? (upto how much extent))?????
What is a join in sql? What are the types of joins?
What samples and sample databases are provided by microsoft?
What are the differences between INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN in SQL Server?
How to define the name and server for a new dsn?
When would you use an insert into .. Select option versus an insert into .. Values option? Give an example of each?
difference between sql server2000 and sql server2005
What is the fastest way to permanently delete a 1 million row table named customers?
What is role playing dimension with two examples? : sql server analysis services, ssas
What is purpose of normalization?
What is the default fill factor value?