What is replication and database mirroring?
what are cursors? : Sql server database administration
How does SSIS(Sql Server Integration Services) deffer from DTS(Data Transformation Services)?
List out the difference between union and union all in sql server?
How do you delete a trigger?
What are three major types of constraints?
1.what is the diff between nolock optimizer and read uncommitted isolation? 2.what is the diff between revoke and deny? 3.what is percieved down time? 4.whether password protection are required for backups?if yes why?if no why? 5.what is fill factor? 6.what is cost analysis? 7.what is mean by piece meal restore? 8.what is 'rowguidcol'? 9.impersonate permission? 10.what is selectivity?
What is the main difference between ‘between’ and ‘in’ condition operators?
What is the minimum recommended amount of ram for sql server 2012 enterprise?
where can you add custom error messages to sql server? : Sql server administration
what is DTS what are tasks available
What is an indexing technique?
System variable and temporary variables