Name the command we give on privilege mode for coming back to user execution mode?
Using the TCP/IP protocol suite, a message is sent from host A to a destination IP address on the same LAN. How does host A determine the destination of a MAC address? A. It uses a proxy APP B. It uses APP requests C. It uses PARP requests D. It uses a router lookup table
Suppose we have 4 switches runing in VTP mode. So when i create a VLAN in Server Switch this VLAN info reflect in all other switch. So question is - A) Suppose i m practicing this scenario in BOSON software, When a create a VLAN in server switch n ADD ports of switch to that VLAN, the same number of ports of client switch also belongs to dat VLAN. For example - In switch A (Server mode), i create a VLAN 7 name Hyderabad & port number 1, 2 & 3 put into this VLAN. Another Switch B (Client mode), its also showing that port number 1,2 & 3 belong the same VLAN. How cud it possible... As we know, VTP share only VLAN configuration information. Cud anyone explain it please....!!!! B)Same thing, when i m practicing in PACKET TRACER 5.0, its only showing that VLAN configuration information is shared. No port information is shared at all. I can manually configure individual switch port to respective VLAN as our wish. Cud anyone explain it please..!!!
Can anyone explain the Split Horizon rule in RIP & also Split Horizon with Poison reverse. Jitu.... U knw wat i expect.. hehehehehe...
Identify the command that displays traffic statistics on serial0/1? A.) display interface serial0/1 B.) show interface serial0/1 C.) show seria0/1 stats D.) show interface serial0/1 stats
Which commands should you use to enable IGRP routing? A. router igrp 100 Network Network B. router igrp 100 Network Network C. router igrp 100 Network 192 168.1.1 Network D. router igrp 100 Network Network
Which protocol works only on cisco routers?
What are the two most common transport layer protocols? UDP TCP IPX ARP
Which two solutions are used to reduce the chance of distance vector routing loops? (choose two) A. split horizon B. route poison C. area hierarchies D. link state algorithms
Where is the backup configuration file stored? A.) RAM B.) ROM C.) Console D.) NVRAM
What are the IGRP stability features?
The following is partial output from a routing table ; ' [100/1300] via, 00:00:23, Ethernet1' Which routing protocol is being used? (assuming defaults have not been changed) A.) OSPF B.) RIP C.) BGP D.) IGRP
Identify the 3 methods routers learn paths to destinations? A.) Dynamic routing B.) None of the above, configured by default C.) Default routes D.) Administrative distance E.) Static routes