2500 Value in which type of access list?
Which two of the following protocols are used at the Transport layer? A.) ARP B.) UDP C.) ICMP D.) RARP E.) TCP F.) BootP
What are four benefits that can result from applying ISDN networking? (Choose four) A. Full time connectivity across the ISDN is spoofed by Cisco IOS routers using dial on demand routing (DDR) B. Small Once and Home Once sites can be economically supported with ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI) servkps C. ISDN replaces Signaling System 7 (SS7) in the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTIC) backbone D. ISDN can be used as a backup service for a leased line connection between the remote and central chaps E. Modem racking and cabling can be eliminated by integration of digital modem cards on Cisco IOS Network Acess Servers (NAS)
Hi -All Can you tell me About of NAt (Network Address Tranlator) bcoz i have no idea about this topics Such as local ip , global ip and all plz provide the deatil of this topics
Novell IPX network addresses have two conferrable parts. The network administrator specifies the IPX network number. How is the node number determined? A. It is the serial number of the given device B. It is assigned as a lease by Novell DHCP C. It is also set by the network administrator D. It is usually the MAC address of one Interface E. It is downloaded by Netware Core Protocol (NCP)
Why ESP Transport mode is not compatible with NAT????? Though New IP Header in Tunnel mode & Original IP Header in Transport mode are out of Authentication & Encryption.
Define the virtual path?
Identify IPX GNS and it's purpose? A.) Go Network Server - sends a print job to a network server B.) Get Nearest Server - locate the nearest server C.) Guaranteed Network Services - allocates resources to users D.) Get Notes Server - locates Domino Server
Which of the following is a layer 2 device? A.) Switch B.) Router C.) Repeater D.) Hub
Identify the 4 that are WAN technologies? A.) HDLC B.) FDDI C.) 802.5 D.) HSSI E.) SDLC F.) Frame Relay
Identify the OSI layer associated with bits? A.) Physical B.) Network C.) Binary D.) Data link
Given the following IP address from the Class B address range Your network plan requires no more than 126 hosts on a shored. Which value should you use as the subnet mask? A. B. C. D. E.
how to find network ID from IP address?without using network calc...
12 Answers Idea, Karbon, NIIT,