Do you know how can we make one test method dependent on other using testng?
Does every software project need testers?
What are the different types of scripting techniques for automation testing?
Does automation replace manual testing?
What are the main differences between Loadrunner and QTP tools? Describe briefly a "real world" scenario that would make you use the first one versus the other? Thank you for your answers....
How can the user get a text of a web element?
How to find that tools work well with your existing system?
Hi There...I am guy from Mumbai working as a Software Tester (Manual). I really want to learn automation with live projects. Could anyone help me to learn automation or give tutions. I do not like the way the Software testing Institute provides training. Please can anyone help me out. And also I want to appear for ISTQB exam...please help me out....Thanks in advance.. My ID is Phone no: 9323543045
How to login into any site if it's showing any authentication pop-up for username and password?
How software testing is handled?
what is the framework your fallowing in your organization while using automation tool ?
what we have done after display the result in openSTA result the sense that how we send the report,what we send in report,how to know that where is error.quickly tell me the answer...please
Tell me what is tsl? What 4gl is it similar too?