how to increment dates by 1 in mysql? : Sql dba
What is difference between function and trigger?
What are the datatypes a available in PL/SQL ?
How many types of relationship are there?
What are the two types of exceptions in pl/sql?
in materialized view the structure will create immediately or not?
What is insert command in sql?
what is the difference between truncate and delete statement? : Transact sql
Suppose a student column has two columns, name and marks. How to get name and marks of the top three students.
In what condition is it good to disable a trigger?
one of the column in my table contains the data like SAL ---- 1000 1000 2000 3000 3000 So my requirement is i want output like SAL --- 1000 2000 3000 it mean i want to delete duplicate rows in the table permanently and i want output in the above formatow should u write query?
How do you write an index?
What is a full join sql?