what is 'mysqld'? : Sql dba
Explain locks? : Transact sql
Explain the commit statement.
Delete duplicate records in the emp table.
how to load data with out header and footer records in a database using sql*loader? pls tell me the answer urgently
What type of database is sql?
3. Select sum(a) sum_1,max(a) max_1 ,count(a) count_1 from ( ( select 1 a from dual union all Select to_number(‘2011’) a from dual union all select 1 a from dual) union select 2 b from dual);
How to display Row Number with Records in Oracle SQL Plus?
Explain what is a view?
How do I remove sql plus from windows 10?
Mention what are the benefits of pl/sql packages?
Can we join more than 2 tables in sql?
Are sql connections encrypted?