Explain locks? : Transact sql
GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE over Views in advantages insolving mutating error?
How do you optimize SQL queries ?
6 Answers CarrizalSoft Technologies, Infosys, Oracle,
Explain spool.
Begin For j in 4403201000 .. 4403202000 Loop If mod (j, 100) = 0 then Dbms_output.put_line (j); End if; End loop; End; what will be the output of this question
Is left join faster than join?
What is rtm in testing?
Easy way to convert tableau "IF - ELSEIF" statements to Netezza "CASE" statements.
Difference between truncate, delete and drop commands?
In table a 1lakh data is present,in table b 20 thousand data is present, to get unique data from table a and b which join to be considered. whether right outer join or left inner join.
using comand prompt how can import table data and table space with example
what is the Default Libraries for Oracle Report 6i
what is timestamp in mysql? : Sql dba