how would concatenate strings in mysql? : Sql dba
how to get @@error and @@rowcount at the same time? : Sql dba
What are the types of subqueries?
What is input buffer in sql*plus?
what is self-join? : Sql dba
suppose I have two table one Emp and other is dpt. Emp table has a field ,dept id,name ,sal and dpt table has a field dept id,dept name. Now I want to find out the emplyee list whose sal is between 2000-3000 from dept x.
7 Answers Geometric Software, IBM,
What is the life of an sql statement?
What is server name sql?
What are different types of indexes?
What is the difference between left join and left outer join?
how to enter binary numbers in sql statements? : Sql dba
How sql query is executed?
How can I see all tables in sql?