what is oltp (online transaction processing)? : Sql dba
Why do we need view in sql?
What is Referential Integrity?
Which is better join or inner query?
What is having clause in sql?
What are the sql versions?
How to convert lowercase letters to uppercase and uppercase letters to lowercase in a string. (ex, AbcdEfG should convert as aBCDeFg)
what is difference between pass by value and eference by value in oracle plsql
Why do we need pl sql?
i have a customer table. trans_id trans_date trans_amt debit_credit_indicator 001 01-JAN-13 1099 cr 001 12-JAN-13 500 db 002 24-FEB-13 400 db 002 23-MAR-13 345 cr 001 18-APR-13 800 cr 002 15-MAR-13 600 db 001 12-FEB-13 200 cr i want like this output. trans_id trans_amt debit_credit_indicator i want get highest credit amount and lowest credit amount and highest debit amount and lowest debit amount for each trans_id. pls give me answer. i want urgent
What is the difference between delete, truncate and drop command?
What are the query optimization techniques?
What is a cursor for loop ?