Explain data driven framework?
Hi All, How to Compare two strings character by character in QTP
Can anybody give the script to addsheet, add column,add values under that column in the rows?
What frame work ur using in QTP in ur current company?
when qtp recognizes a web link like (hyper link)wich properties it is going to take to identify the objects unquely? what is Ini file in QTP?
what type of application we can select for automation testing and what is the entry criteria for automation
How do u do batch testing in WR & is it possible to do in QTP, if so explain?
Define QTP ?
How to start recording using quicktest professional?
New to QTP: In a qtp flight booking application, I tried to parameterize the to and from drop down lists using data table, depending on ur drop down selection it will pop up a list of flights. Here I am not finding a way to select flight randomly from given list... Thanks in advance guys.
In Keyword driven frame work you have write 30 test case for one scenario,in which 10 test cases are failed while executing.client asked you to execute only the failed test cases. HOw can you execute only failed test cases
what is verification & validation?
How to find operating system information using the qtp script?