What is qtpro?
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How many actions we can create with in a test?
How to handle dynamic objects in quicktest professional?
hi.what is exactly mean by real time frame work? every institute teach Framework is nothing but having 6 to 7 folders..and save repositories functions keywords and scripts? this is enough or not? can we beleive?
How to get the column count and column name from the resultset in the database connection program?
any body plz send health care domain project to me with explanation any two modules on that project. mail_id: ranjith_99reddy@yahoo.co.in
How does you test a weblink which is changing dynamically?
can anyone tell me how to search a word/line in a document and to paste it in another file? Thanks in advance.
1.what is the difference between childobjects and child items in qtp? 2.what is difference between a class and function? 3.can u convert ustimings to indian timings using vbscript? 4.i have scripts in one machine.can i run those scripts in another machine.how?
2 Answers Genpact, Infosys, Symantic Space, TCS,
How can we test existence of a particular word in scentence using QTP tool. Thanks in Advance!!!!!
how can we handle errors other than using recovery scenerios in qtp
I have below user Defained function function AddTwo(ByVal a, ByVal b) Dim Ans Ans=a+b MsgBox Ans End function Now my question comes here...from given below methods which method is right to call above function?Which is Wrong and why? 1. AddTwo(2,4) 2. Call AddTwo(2,4) 3. AddTwo 2,4 4. Call AddTwo 2,4
On what document base Descriptive programming is written if build is not yet ready ?