What is de-normalization in sql database administration? Give examples?
Is it safe to delete log files?
What are indexes in sql?
What are the system database in sql server 2008?
What happens if null values are involved in comparison operations?
What is delete query?
What are the types of indexing?
How to recreate an existing index in ms sql server?
What is the purpose of data source?
Let’s say the table in the database is named as TBL_Register. The fields in this table include: 1. User_Name, 2. User_Telephone, 3. Register_Date The field Register_Date stores the current date and time of the registration. Write the SQL statement that inserts the data into the table.
Define views.
What is the difference between IN and EXISTS operators in SQL Server?
9 Answers ASD Lab, CSC, Intelligroup,
How to find out the list schema name and table name for the database?