What are the system database in sql server 2008?
What is collation sensitivity? Explain different types.
If a user does not have permission to a table, but has permission to a view created on it, will he be able to view the data in table?
Explain time data type in sal server 2008?
How to list all user defined functions in the current database?
What is BLOCK statements in SQL?
How to include text values in sql statements?
What does it mean if @@cursor_row returns a negative number?
When would you prefer to have a minimum number of indexes?
When would you use an insert into .. Select option versus an insert into .. Values option? Give an example of each?
1. How to fetch all the duplicate records from the table. 2. How to fetch the second highest salary from the table.
Can a cursor be updated? If yes, how you can protect which columns are updated?
What are the types of indexing?