What is Asset testing?
what is JAVA TESTING? What Testers will do in JAVA Testing. Can any one Give suitable Ans Pls. it's urgent
what is the difference between testing and software testing? what is testing methodology? how can we do reliability testing? plz reply to this id sari.swapna@gmail.com
how do u make severity , suppose login page has been sucessfully passed and entered in 2nd page instead of 1st page. what is ur reaction .
who will infrom the testers when the build is ready to test from developement side?
Can any one share the domain knwoldege of Telecom Jeeva jeevachr@gmail.com
you r a tester having good knowledge of coding.now in ur company developers are having some problem in coding will u (tester) help them.
How do u prepare test environment for ur application?
specify another matrix/table used for same functionality as of tracibility matrix?
If there there are 100 test cases which need to be executed in one day and out of them 50 are of Critical Severity, 30 are Major and 20 are Minor. What would be your approach?
What is cart meeting?have you participated any time?
I need information on sales domain?need modules information for online shopping projects for project.
Can you explain the various elements of function points ftr, ilf, eif, ei, eo, eq, and gsc?