What is the difference between c# and .net?
Is it right that ASP.NET Web API has replaced WCF?
What are the HTML server controls in ASP.NET?
Can we change the session timeout in ASP.NET, if yes then how and from where?
How can we register exception filter from the action?
What is the difference between runtime version and version?
When is an object collected by the Garbage Collector? [Four options were given]
What is server transfer?
Name some asp objects?
What is AppDomain?Explain how it works.
How would one do a deep copy in .NET?
What is boxing and unboxing in asp.net?
1.what is the application pool. 2.what is the HttpModile and Http Handler. 3.C# 3.0 Features ? 4.Anonoymous Type,methopd and claas in 3.0? 5.difference between statsic and const ? 6.session vs application 7.state management clint side and server side ? 8.Genric list 9.c# 3.0 vs 3.5