What is data control language?
What will you get by the cursor attribute sql%found?
when MSQL8.0 is in market
How do you declare a variable in pl sql?
What is crud sql?
What is rename in sql?
Are ddl triggers fired for ddl statements within a pl/sql code executed using the dbms.sql package?
What is an index and types of indexes. How many number of indexes can be used per table ?
12 Answers Accenture, BirlaSoft, Cognizant, CTS, Symphony,
Are stored procedures faster than queries?
What is nvl?
How do you update a table in sql?
have table with two columns with datatypes as number and varchar and the values in A column like 1,2,3 AND B column values like a,b,c. now need to display data in a single column as 1,a,2,b,3,c.
What are pl sql data types?