Difference between views and materialized views?

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Difference between views and materialized views?..

Answer / guru

View: View is a virtual table, a query attached to it.
Actually it have not Stored query results. It will execute
and returns rows.

A materialized view is a database object that contains the
results of a query. They are local copies of data located
remotely, or are used to create summary tables based on
aggregations of a table's data. Materialized views, which
store data based on remote tables are also, know as
snapshots.A materialized view can query tables, views, and
other materialized views. Collectively these are called
master tables (a replication term) or detail tables (a data
warehouse term)

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Difference between views and materialized views?..

Answer / rahul khanke

views : this are the vertiual table.. views dosent stores
the data.. if we update the table then updation is in
actual table..
M view : this are the tables based on one or more tables..
this stores the data.. updation is done then actual
updation is in M. view itself..

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Difference between views and materialized views?..

Answer / a.jyothsna

VIEWS: Takes the output of a query
M.VIEWS: Stores the output of a query,Views can't store
the results of a query

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Difference between views and materialized views?..

Answer / pinkey

A view is just a stored query and has no physical part.
Once a view is instantiated, performance can be quite good,
until it is aged out of the cache. A materialized view has
a physical table associated with it; it doesn't have to
resolve the query each time it is queried. Depending on how
large a result set and how complex the query, a
materialized view should perform better.

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Difference between views and materialized views?..

Answer / naresh

View: - it is logical table,it doesn't contain any data,it's contain only select statement.
if you modify the data in view,it's immediately effect to the Base table.
it gets rowids same as the base table.
Materialized view: - M.V are mostly use in Data Marts.

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