Name some of the commonly used automation testing tools that are used for non-functional automation.
On what basis we select test cases to automate?
What java api is required for generating pdf reports?
What are the steps to perform Load and Stress testing on a Website? What resources do I need to do this? Please advise. Thanks in advance.
you have any interaction with clients?
Tell us what is the difference between getwindowhandles() and getwindowhandle()?
What are the application does winrunner support? What are the applicaiotn does QTP support? Does winrunner, QTP can be used in Linux OS?
how to use regular expression in Test Complete Functional tool
Hi friends please tell me regardinr to QTP descriptive programming. if any materials are there suggest me. or if you have please give me. thank u waiting for reply
Tell us which package can be imported while working with webdriver?
which tools is the best in Automation
What is fastest locating Strategy?
hi, I want to study TIA portla V11. where can I get online courses?