What is the usage of sign function?
What is best institute to Learn DotNET And SQL in chennai?
What is co-related sub query?
How to retrieve duplicate rows in a table? How to delete the duplicate entries in a table?
15 Answers Leo Technologies, Mannar Company, Synechron,
Do comments need to go in a special place in sql server 2005?
What are the authentication modes in sql server? How can it be changed?
Explain the relational database management system (rdbms)?
write query for fourth maximum salary from employee table
14 Answers Mind Tree, SP Software,
What do you understand by the denormalisation?
what is isolation level at dead lock?
Explain nested stored procedure. Syntax and an example for create nested stored procedure?
What is the default schema of your login session in ms sql server?
Why do we need normalization?