Suggest a method of joining two tables.
What is the difference between deallocate cursor and close cursor?
How to create Clustered Primary Key to table?
What is a file group?
how to get max salary with employee number by using one select query and max function ??
How do I completely remove sql server instance?
If you want to send some data from access database to sql server database. What are different component of ssis will you use?
There is a trigger defined for INSERT operations on a table, in an OLTP system. The trigger is written to instantiate a COM object and pass the newly insterted rows to it for some custom processing. What do you think of this implementation? Can this be implemented better?
What are actions, how many types of actions are there, explain with example? : sql server analysis services, ssas
What have included columns when we talk about sql server indexing?
What is nolock?
Tell me what are the essential components of sql server service broker?
What are the four main query statements?