What is the difference between the local variable and global variable in c?
How to receive strings with spaces in scanf()
What is encapsulation?
Why do u use # before include in a C Progam?
Is the C language is the portable language...If yes...Then Why...and if not then what is problem so it is not a Portable language..???
write a program for size of a data type without using sizeof() operator?
22 Answers HCL, IBM,
write a programme that inputs a number by user and gives its multiplication table.
how can i make a program with this kind of output.. Enter a number: 5 0 01 012 0123 01234 012345 01234 0123 012 01 0
what is difference between ++(*p) and (*p)++
17 Answers Accenture, HCL, IBM,
void main(int n) { if(n==0) return; main(--n); printf("%d ",n); getch(); } how it work and what will be its output...............it any one know ans plz reply
write a program to remove duplicate from an ordered char array? in c
define string ?
all c language question