what is the difference between char * const and const char

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what is the difference between char * const and const char *?..

Answer / brindha

Char* const p -> Here pointer P is a const pointer, which
means that this pointer can point to only one memory
location. eg. char* const p = &arr;
p++ ; -> This is invalid

const char* p -> this indicates that the data pointed by
the pointer p is constant & the value in that address
cannot be modified. eg. const char* p = 'a';
*p = 'b'; -> This is invalid

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what is the difference between char * const and const char *?..

Answer / yathish nm yadav

means we are making the variable of type
char* as constant i.e,
char * const p;
means pointer variable p is made constant i.e, its lvalue
is been blocked by compiler at compile time.
char c;
char *const p= &c;
here p contains the adress of c and we cannot make p now to
point to some other variable.
char t;
p=t; //compile time error.

means the variable pointed to by the const char * is made
constant. i,e.
char c='a';
const char *p=&c;
here c is made constant n its lvalue is being blocked.
now we cannot change the value of c since it is made
*p='b'; // error

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