Why do we use weblogic server in peoplesoft?
1. Can we install two different peopletools version on same machine ie client, if yes , what oracle configuration should be installed?
After logging into customer connection, you wish to search for fixes or patches. What are the search criterias available ?
How do you stop weblogic using the command line?
Which command is valid in both bootstrap and regular mode when operating the data mover?
Tell us about application server tuning.
What bea product is used for db transaction in peoplesoft? How would you log into the bs mode?
Explain what are the differences between rowclass and rowset in peoplesoft?
You have downloaded an Application fix as a project from the customer connection. Where would you upgrade it to ?
What are the AE programme options?
What is added as new option in Build apart from Create Tables, Indexes, Views?
What are the ae program options?
You just started a new application server. What problems you may encounter?